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We Only Buy What We Love
We have partnered with great merchants to make sure we’re providing the best and premium loose-leaf ingredients. Here at Simplici-Tea, we’re always looking for ways to introduce non tea drinkers to a world that they never wanted to indulge in and current tea drinkers a new place to call home. Come and be a part of our amazing community of tea!

“I normally do not drink tea because I thought you’re only supposed to drink it when you’re sick but that Peach Green tea has changed my life! I even drink it iced if I want to give water a break. Thank you for the introduction of a newfound drink for me!”
— Tiana Williams

“Tea has always been my go-to drink and now I have found my go to place to buy my tea! Love everything about the taste and the amazing communication from the staff!
I recommend everyone to shop.”
— Bria Samson